Swami Atmachaithanya

Swami Atmachaithanya is a Holy man from Kerala, South-India.

As a child He already was very loving and kind towards His fellow man and showed a great reverence for the Divine. Growing up, He spent time meditating and visiting local temples. He kept the image of Lord Shiva constantly in his mind and attained Self-realization at the age of seven.

At the age of eleven, Swami met His Guru,

After His Master passed on, Swami received the power to predict the future, and to know the past and present of anyone who came before him. Hence many people come to seek His advice.

Many people experience Swami to be a beloved teacher who shows them with sincere love and humbleness how to gain insight and peace in themselves.

Swami Atmachaithanya does not ask for any money for the help He is giving. The donations that He receives is given to the pore and ones in need that come and seek His help and to His Humanitarian Work.

More information about Swami Atmachaithanya can be found on: www.atmachaithanya.org